Does the perfect day exist?
What if every day could be a perfect day in our lives? Is such a thing possible? Have you had a truly perfect day in your life before? We may all dream about it, but getting a perfect day seems difficult or even impossible for many of us.
All so often we desire a day where everything goes right, but it never does seem to happen. Is it possible, then, to have a perfect day? How can we achieve it?
I would like to share that the power is in us to make such a thing possible. And that this exercise of designing your perfect day has immense benefits to our well-being! Today, we are going to imagine what a typical day in our life 5 years from now would be like, and how we can make that perfect everyday be a reality. Grab a pen and a piece of paper and find a comfortable place to sit and write.
First of all, clear your mind of distractions and free yourself of judgement. It’s your own perfect day, and nobody is allowed to judge you on what you write down. Don’t be afraid to be detailed in your desires, and do not be worried that people will see what you write, because this fear will not let us think of what we truly desire.
Once you’re relaxed and with your mind clear, we can begin. Write down ‘The Perfect Day’ as a title at the top.

Let’s start from the beginning: how would it feel to wake up on this perfect day? Where will you be, what kind of bed are you in? How do the sheets feel on your skin, is there air-conditioning? Let your mind wander and think, then put in as many details as you can imagine!
Continue on your morning routine and write down what the first activity of the day will be – will it be making a delicious-smelling cup of coffee and preparing breakfast? Or going to the gym and getting some exercise in? What would you do for a living on this ideal day? Maybe you work at an office, and everyone there is happy and friendly towards you. Maybe you are retired, happily living off the savings that you’ve gathered from working hard.
Here are some guidelines as you write:
- Be as descriptive as you can! Write down colours, sounds, smells and tastes of everything you experience. The more vivid, the better.
- Think of the kind of person that you would like yourself to be 5 years from now. What kind of people would you spend your time with? What would you be doing to make life meaningful for yourself?
Then, lunchtime arrives. What would be the food you eat in a typical day of your perfect life? Will it be spent with friends or family? Describe it as vividly as you can: the places you’ll go, the food you’ll eat, and the topics you’ll talk about with the people you’re with. Most importantly, I want you to also write down how you feel and your emotions as you would experience on this perfect day.
Continue on towards the afternoon and the evening. What are the things you want to do, and who are the people that you’ll meet? Ask yourself how you would spend your time, when you are the best version of yourself that you can be.
As an example: maybe you have an interest in learning an instrument but never got around to doing it. Well, on your ideal day 5 years in the future, you could be jamming on your instrument like never before! Maybe you enjoy cooking but never found the time to practice, but on your perfect day in the future, you could be cooking a lovely and creative dinner every day! I urge you to visualize what it would be like to do something you’ve always wanted to do, and write down the feelings that you feel once you accomplish it.
Now, once you’ve written your perfect day up until the moments before you sleep, take a step back and reread the whole thing. How does this perfect day make you feel? Do you feel excited, invigorated, and energized? If only every day could be like this…
What we have just done in this exercise is known as Visualization in the field of psychology. When we visualize something vividly, such as a perfect day in our life, we begin to believe it strongly and we feel empowered.
Hold on firmly to this feeling that you just experienced when you designed your perfect day, and realize that you can conjure this feeling simply by thinking about the day you just created.
Now, this feeling is great and motivational when we need it, but we do want to actually live out this perfect day too! This series continues in our next post, where we’ll show you actionable steps you can take to make this dream day a reality.
BlankSlate Counselling is a counselling agency in Singapore dedicated to help individuals find the inner strength within themselves to achieve what they set their minds to do. Learn more about our trusted counsellors in Singapore and what we do.
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